Dental cavities: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

A 2020 article indicated that having inadequate minerals can lead to absorption problems, increased tendency to bleed, and tooth loss. However, food industries have taken measures to reduce their phytic acid content to enhance the bioavailability of micronutrients in food grains, per research published in 2015. A 2017 study found the use of aloe vera with tea tree oil as an effective cavity disinfectant, with comparable results to traditional disinfectants called chlorhexidine. Oil pulling originated in an ancient system of alternative medicine called Ayurveda.
Bacteria are found within plaque and produce acid, especially in the presence of carbohydrate-rich foods. This acid, in combination with other acids in your mouth, is hard on your teeth. Just like most materials, your teeth will dissolve in the presence of high levels of acid. Your teeth can repair themselves if given the opportunity, but only to a point. As long as it is in the beginning stages of the process, before such cavitations occur, your tooth can recreate its structure.
Older people often take medications that reduce saliva flow, increasing their risk of cavities. Cavities develop more often in the back teeth, according to the Mayo Clinic. These teeth have grooves and openings that can trap food particles. Also, these teeth are sometimes harder to reach when brushing and flossing.
Teeth cavities have likely been wreaking havoc on your mouth since before you were old enough to fully understand. Many children receive fillings in their baby teeth and early molars to help minimize decay. Tooth Anatomy – People with crowded teeth have a lot of nooks and crannies where plaque and cavity-causing bacteria accumulate. It’s also harder to reach these areas with a toothbrush and floss.
Over time, small openings begin to appear in the enamel, and these openings are the first stage of a cavity. Cavities are also common in young children and teenagers because their teeth are still developing. Older adults are also at a higher risk, as normal wear and tear makes teeth more vulnerable to decay. Caries is the scientific term for tooth decay or cavities. dentiste à Longueuil is an unfortunate fact that some people have a naturally higher caries risk than others.
Simple carbohydrates, like chips and crackers, have the same dangers as sweets. Consider switching to better snack choices like nuts or cheese for the times between meals. However, in some instances, the cause doesn’t necessarily have to do with diet or a lack of brushing teeth. Conditions like dry mouth and certain medical issues also increase the presence of acid. Since saliva naturally cleans plaque from teeth, a lack of it causes more plaque, which in turn creates more cavities.
The same is true for any sticky snack like fruit-shaped gummy snacks and raisins. Foods that stick to teeth stick around long afterward to feed bacteria. Avoid them, especially when you’re child won’t be able to brush for a while. The deeper into the tooth it goes, the easier it gets for the acids to erode more of the tooth’s structure. Once the second layer of the tooth, called the dentin, is affected, pathways to the tooth’s nerve are exposed. To maximize the beneficial effect of fluoride in the toothpaste, rinsing after brushing should be kept to a minimum or eliminated altogether.

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